The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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.H:BOOK 1 ...FUTURE SYSTEMS by Mark T. Nadir... PAGE $$$
1 Positional Transduction Methodology is not one system but an entire
class of systems. Each individual class of systems is, in turn, com
rised of a number of Modes. These can be thought of thusly: [1] each
class as a particular basic program comprised of many separate Modes
while [2] each Mode can be thought of as separate subprogram.
2 The simplest conceivable Positional Transduction Methodology system
is a 100% artificial system created for the exclusive purpose of in
troducing you to PTM technology. This system is called the "Two-Sub
scriber SysTem". The only reason for its existance is to introduce
you to PTM technology.
3 The Two-Subscriber SysTem is not a fully developed PTM system. Many
of the features of true (i.e. operative) PTM are lacking and will
have to be presented to you later. Never-the-less the basics of Posi
tional Transduction Methodology are present.
4 There are three aspects of the two-Subscriber SysTem that will have
to be dealt with (with are not always separated). They are:- [1] A
simplified description of the Two-Subscriber SysTem, [2] some back
ground notes (which might seem irrelevent to you), and [3] a more
detailed description of several of the basic of the Two-Subscriber
SysTem components. These last, might be either softwarelike or hard
ware components. The first of these [1] will be the subject of this
chapter. The other two will be reviewed in the next chapter.
5 [1] The Two-Subscriber system will first be described with sketchy
details. The purpose here is to present an overall outline which can
be reasonably easy to visualize. This will give you an overall view
of this system. Many of the details will be filled in later in the
next chapter.
6 [2] The function of the background material (which is included below)
is to give those who are not systems specialists to be able to com
pare what is being offered herein to what is being done in the field.
That is to set up standards of comparison. That information is to be
found in chapter 7.
7 [3] There is material which describes in much greater detail just how
some important functions are performed. This material is offered not
only to fill in the outline of the sketch but to also provide a basis
for understanding other systems which are to follow (in chapters 8 to
13 in this book). Some of this material is software-like and some of
it is hardware-like. That too, appears in chapter 7.
8 The main features of the Two-Subscriber SysTem will be described in
this section (e.g. under the heading Two-Subscriber System).
9 The Two-Subscriber SysTem is shown in the block diagram of figure 1.
The Two-Subscriber SysTem itself consists of the two uniplexers A and
B plus the two transmission paths labeled "Path 1" and "Path 1". The
subscibers' terminal equipments are regarded as external to the Two
Subscriber SysTem. The subscriber, in this diagram, is able to enter
the SysTem through his or her terminal equipment.
10 The subsciber's terminal equipment is herein defined as devices such
as tele-typewriters, computer terminals, telephones, facsimile (fax)
machines, and such like equipments. All terminal equipments generate
signals and that is the characteristic they share in common. Terminal
equipments come in two varieties: - analogue and digital. Tele-type
writers, computer terminals, etc. are digital. Telephones are analog.
Fax machines might be either.
11 All digital terminal equipments, in response to the operators inputs,
generate CODES. These same machines can also receive CODE and in
response to the code input generate (print) characters, e.g. letters,
numbers, punctuation, etc. The Two-Subscriber SysTem works only with
inputs from digital terminal equipments. These terminal equipments
also accept and respond to code supplied from the Two-Subscriber Sys
12 Signals generated by analogue equipments can be converted to a digit
al form by analogue to digital (A to D) converters. This idigitized
data can be re-converted to analogue form by digital to analogue (D
to A) converters. This function is normally performed in actual sys
tems by the uniplexers but for now it will assumed to be performed by
A to D and D to A converters.
13 The terminal equipments feed data to the uniplexers for transmission
to the only other subscriber in the SysTem. The uniplexers, in turn,
feed data to the terminal equipments after it has been received from
the other subscriber. Therefore, the input and output of the uniplex
er is data in the form of code.
14 The terminals of the uniplexer which receive data from and which in
turn drive the subscibers' terminal equipments are called the extern
al terminals, i.e. they are sources of and sinks for external data.
(The terminal equipments are external to the system, as noted above.)
15 The uniplexers have another set of terminals. They are the internal
or system terminals to which paths 1 and 2 are connected. The inform
ation which flows over these transmission paths is "PTM Language".
PTM does not convey code. And codes never appear on any Positional
Transduction Mothodolgy transmission path.
16 PTM Language is a implicit language! That is to say that it never
appears upon on the transmission path.(It is never explicit.) The on
ly things that ever appear on the transmission paths are Tags. In the
Two-Subscriber System only one type of Tag is employed. That Tag is
called the Address Tag or simply the Address. The size, in bits, of
the Address Tag is determined by the number of subscribers to the
system. The Two-Subscriber System has an Address (Tag) which is one
bit long.
17 Uniplexer are the only hardware found in any Positional Transduction
Methodology System. In fact, it is one of the two types of components
that comprise all Positional Transduction Methodology SysTems. There
are just these two types of components and nothing else.
18 The uniplexer is a hardware device which provides a number of funct
ions. We have encountered four such functions so far. They are [1]
accepting data for transmission from the subscriber's termnial equip
ments, [2] delivering data, in the form of code, to the Subscriber's
termnial equipment, [3] generating PTM Language, and [4] (by
implication) receiving PTM Language from the other uniplexer.
19 What actually occurs is that the uniplexer receives data, in the form
of code, from its subscriber's terminial equipment and converts it
into PTM Language. This PTM Language is put on the transmission path
and sent (actually transferred) to the other uniplexer. The other
uniplexer receives the PTM Language and converts it into code which
it then sent to its subscriber's termnial equipment. There are, two
conversions therefore. [1] Once from code into PTM Language and [2] a
re-conversion from PTM Language into code.
20 A PTM Language is any of a large number of digital languages employed
by the various PTM Modes. In order to make sure that data is correct
ly received, all digital languages (and code) transmit and receive a
"sync signal". Positional Transduction Methodology systems are no
exception to this rule. The Positional Transduction Methodology sync
signal is called the MARKER. This, then, is another function which
the uniplexer performs: it generates and receives the Marker.
21 In order to perform the above function correctly the uniplexer must
be equiped with circuits that generate (and measure) timing signals.
This is discussed in considerable detail in a later chapter.
22 There are many PTM Languages. The Two-Subscriber System will employ
only one PTM Language to keep things as simple as possible.
23 Data is sent in ForMats. A ForMat is the interval between two Mark
ers. Just that, nothing more. ForMats can be subdivided into sections
and subscetions. The ForMat employed by the Two-Subscriber System has
only one section. In the Two-Subscriber System that section is called
the Address Section.
24 The first Marker is assigned to the ForMat and always comprises the
first nest therein. The next Marker, consequently is part of the For
Mat which follows.
25 All sections are divided into nests. A nest is some number of bits
long. Except in Two-Subscriber Systems where the nests are one bit
long. All nests in a section are contiguous. The Data that goes into
a nest is called an Address. The Address, in Two-Subscriber Systems,
(as may be deduced from the above) is exactly one bit long. (The size
of a nest and the size of the data (both measured in bits) must
always be identical.) In our case both a nest and a bit is one bit
long. (The one bit nest is an exception in Positional Transduction
Methodology SysTems.)
26 A one bit long Address will suffice in Two-Subscriber Systems because
the bit always represent the address of the OTHER subscriber. With
only two subscribers no confusion results.
27 The address is part of the PTM Language employed to transfer informa
tion between subscribers. It is the explicit "notifier" for the lang
uage. But, the language itself is implicit, as noted earlier. The ad
dress identifies the receptor in all Positional Transduction Method
ology SysTems. In the Two-Subscriber System identification of the re
ceptor is no problem; it is simply the other subscriber. Consequently
one bit will suffice.
28 The Address serves to notify the receptor that the nest bearing the
address contains (implicit) data for the named receptor. It does not
state what the data is or imply any quality relating to or of the
29 The fundament theorum of Positional Transduction Methodology can now
be evoked: "The position an item has with respect to a Marker can, or
can be made to, contain information." This is the basis for PTM
Language. The ForMat contains the Marker (as was stated in paragraph
24). Each nest has a position with respect to the marker. Each nest
must have a sequential position with respect to the Marker because
the digital data stream is sequential and because one nest follows
the other.
30 [Warning The nest in the Two-Subscriber System is one bit long. But,
the bit must not confused with the nest. The nest in future systems
is very rarely one bit long. It is generally several bits long. In
large systems an Address Nest might be greater than twenty or even
forty bits long.]
31 The location of a nest with respect to the Marker can be, and is, de
termined by a counter. This counter is started when the Marker is de
tected; it is then stopped and restarted by the next Marker. The out
put of this counter, therefore states explicitly the sequential loca
tion of each and every nest in the ForMat. This counter is part of
the hardware in every uniplexer.
32 Each uniplexer also contains a device which acts as a Look-Up Table.
In theTwo-Subscriber System each nest position represents a charact
er or a punctuation mark. The character is determined by the Look-Up
Table. A section of a Look-Up Table is shown below.
║ ║
║ 1 A ║
║ 2 B ║
║ 3 C ║
║ 4 D ║
║ 5 E ║
║ 6 F ║
║ 7 G ║
║ 8 H ║
║ ║
║ AND SO ON. ║
║ ║
║ TABLE A. ║
33 When we examine the above Look-Up Table we see that the first nest re
presents "A", the second nest "B", the third nest "C", the forth
nest "D", and so on. These then are the implicit characters that each
35 PTM Language is comprised of two parts. An explicit part (which is
called the Address) that notifies, the receiving uniplexer, that a
character (or any item) is in that nest. And, furthermore, that char
acter (or other item) is for the uniplexer whose address in in that
nest. The address consequently, performs two distinct function: [1]
notify the uniplexer that the marked nest contains data and [2]
specifies who that receptor shall be.
36 The two foregoing distinctions are trivial in Two-Subscriber Systems.
However, these distinctions are very important in all the Positional
Transduction Methodology systems described later. For this reason the
distinction must be very clear in your mind.
37 The implicit part of PTM Language is the location assigned to each
character by the Look-Up Table (or its equivalent).
38 To send a message in the PTM Language of the Two-Subscriber System a
"one" is entered into each nest that represents the next character
which is to be TRANSFERRED from one subscriber to the other
subscriber. Both the originating uniplexer and receiving uniplexer
require the Look-Up Table in order to transfer data.
39 In Table A above, under the heading "CHARACTER (REPRESENTED BY NEST"
we have letters. But the uniplexer does not receive letters from the
subscriber's terminal equipments; it does receive codes which do re
present those characters. Therefore, the Look-Up table has code char
acters in that column rather than letters. Now, the uniplexer can
compare the code received from the local subscriber's terminal equip
ment directly with the code in the Look-Up Table and select the cor
rect nests to enter. The mechanism is described in considerable de
tail later on.
40 The same Look-Up Table is employed in the receiving uniplexer. When a
marked nest is detected the number of that nest is specified by the
counter. That number is fed to the Look-Up Table mechanism which loc
ates a code character in that table having THAT number. That code
character is then sent the the receiving subscriber's terminal equip
ment where it is printed out. This mechanism is also described in
detail later on.
41 The uniplexer, therefore, when "transmitting" converts code into PTM
Language, and when receiving, it can converts PTM Language into code.
Therefore, the only data actually transmitted are addresses. The data
is transferred.
42 The particular PTM Language shown and discussed above is (or can be)
unique to Two-Subscriber Systems. However, the same basic approach is
employed by all Positional Transduction Methodology Systems. There
are many variants, each expressed as a distinct Mode. We will be in
troduced to them, in due course.
43 PTM Language will be illustrated in the following chapter.
44 The consequences of employing PTM Languages will be seen to be very
far reaching. This will at taken up in the correct time. The reader
might be able to foresee some of the consequences now.
45 The PTM Language chosen to illustrate the operation of the Two-Sub
scriber System is very inefficient by code standards. Let us see just
how "efficient" THIS PTM Language is. The "efficiency" will be mea
sured in terms of the number of bits required to transfer one stat
istical character.
46 To determine how many (code) characters are transferred in a ForMat
(which we must know on order to determine the above "efficiency").
To do this we will need to review some additional material which has
not been spoken of previously. One of these is a parameter called
herein the "PROBABILITY OF ENTRY" (or P of E). The other is the
"CHARACTER-SET" employed. We will start with the latter.
47 The character-set is any group of characters each of which is unique.
The set can have as many or as few characters as desired. Through the
years subscriber terminal equipments have evolved character-sets many
of which have become standard. These character-sets almost always
contain [2n] characters where n usually varies between 4 and 8. PTM
systems are constrained by standards which are set up for code sys
tems because of the subscriber's terminal equipments.
48 Because of the way Positional Transduction Methodology SysTems work,
the number of Addresses (representing characters) entered into a
character-set is not a fixed quantity. This number cannot be deter
mined before hand. The best that can be done is to determine a number
statistically. The number provided by statistics is called the PROB
ABILITY OF ENTRY or simply the P of E. The P of E is stated as the
number of statistical times a subscriber can enter an address (and
therefore a character) into a character-set.
49 The P of E will vary with conditions. This matter is discussed furth
er in later chapters of this book. For the Two-Subscriber SysTem the
P of E is 2, i.e. two statistical characters can be expected to enter
be entered into each character-set.
50 Now, we are in a position to determine the "efficiency" of PTM Lang
uage as employed by the Two-Subscriber SysTem. The character-set
chosen will assumed to be the bidaut character-set which is comprised
of 32 characters. Because of use of PTM Language, a character is sent
by entering a single address bit into a nest. The P of E tells us
that two characters can be expected to be entered in a character-set
which is 32 bits (characters) long. Therefore, each character requir
es [32/2 = 16] bits (counting all the bits in the set, both used and
unused). The "efficiency" is poor. This characteristic of the Two-
Subscriber SysTem but, not of Positional Transduction Methodology
51 The Probability of Entry given above (as 2) might seem very low. But,
most Positional Transduction Methodology Systems are Mass-Access Sys
Tems and a P of E of 2 can actually be too large.
52 Mechanisms which provide Probabilities of Entries much higher than 2
are known (to the Author).
53 The foregoing should give the reader a clear but not excessively de
tailed picture of the operation of the Two-Subscriber SysTem. The em
ployment of too much detail was carefully avoided in order to avoid
"snowing" the reader under with detail. In the next chapter (chapter
7) more details will be found on both how the Two-Subscriber SysTem
and other PTM systems operate.